Show Members Debate What’s Considered Cheating in Relationships

Bobby shared a survey done from with men, women, doctors, and psychologists to share the things that are considered cheating when in a relationship.

Here are some of the things asked on the survey below and the show members thoughts on if any of them are considered cheating:

  • If you spend a bunch of time with a new friend of the opposite sex. Bobby believes that deception of any form is where cheating comes into play, so as long as the partner is aware then no.
  • Excessively watching p*rn. Amy says it falls under the disgusting category. Morgan said she wouldn't date this person, but it's not necessarily considered cheating.
  • Not wearing your wedding ring in public spaces. Amy doesn't think it's considered cheating, but deception for sure. Morgan says it may as well be, because anyone who is doing this is likely doing it with the intent of doing something they shouldn't be.
  • Messaging with another person or ex-partner frequently. Amy says it's micro-cheating. Bobby and Morgan both say this one is emotional cheating.
  • Giving excessive amount of hugs or physical contact to people of the opposite sex out in a public setting like a bar. Amy says it's not cheating, but she would question why this person is so touchy and if they are lacking affection in the relationship. Morgan doesn't think it's cheating because some people can just be a touchy feely person when it comes to hugs, but if he is excessively touching a woman in another way than yeah.
  • If a guy touches the small of a woman's back while walking through a door. Bobby and Morgan both think that's something very intimate and signs the people are involved. Amy didn't think so, she says it's something any of the guys on the show would do with her and they all disagreed.